不知道咋用 Store a value of any type. The patch will store the value until a ...
Filters a loop to a subset of its values using a loop of booleans.使用一组布尔...
Select one or more values from a loop.从循环选择一个或多个值。 Example A: Select one...
Create a loop of any value (ex: text, color, image).Right-click the patc...
Create a loop of indices, ex: a count of 3 outputs a loop of [0, 1, 2]. ...
Start a timer that waits a specified duration.启动等待指定时间的计时器。 板栗:就是延迟动画用到的...
Output a pulse when the prototype starts (on the first frame). Restart t...
Convert a value between 0 and 1 (often a progress value) to a value betw...
Remember state (on or off). Switch patches are like light switches. They...