时态名称结构表 时态助词结构表 四时五态 四时:过去,现在,将来,过去将来 五态:一般态,完成态,进行态,完成进行态,被动态 一时一态 一时二态...
单词模型音形义,先音形对应,再形义对应 音形对应,如图所示 形义对应,如图所示 完成以上两步,单词自学完毕,接下来配合音频Mp3听10遍即可。
1.笔记越详细越好 认为笔记越详细越好的人,往往是知识控。熟悉Tyger的朋友会知道,Tyger认为学习的地点是“认知线”,如果认知线在地平线一...
近期,不少家长在微信群或通过微信电话向Tyger咨询笔记怎么记,作业怎么做的问题。Tyger认为这些问题很重要,在此专门作答。 1.什么笔记是好...
L7:A few hours earlier, someone had told the police that thieves would t...
L1:I could not hear the actors. L1:In the end, I could not bear it. L15:...
L64:He suggested that a double railway-tunnel should be built. L65:He sh...
have to~must L17:Jennifer will have to take part in a new play soon. L39...
L30:The ball struck him so hard that he nearly fell into the water. L35:...