cad;cas;cid=降落 ,降临to fall or befall decadent=de(down下)+cad(to fall降)+ent...
bi(o)=生命;生物life biology=bio(生命,生物life)+-logy(表学科) 词义:n.生物学(the science o...
bench=长凳;条凳long seat bank=bank 词义:n.银行(an organization) “堆放货币的条凳”=货币交易所=...
bell,beau=handsome,beauty漂亮;美丽 belle=bell(美丽)+-e 词义:n.美女;(某地)最美的女人(a bea...
bat(t)=打击(to beat) 词义:n.1.球拍(棒)(to hit or beat) a baseball bat 棒球球棒 2.蝙蝠...
bas(s)=低的 low base=bas(低的low)+-e 词义:n.1.底部(lowest part) the base of a gl...
ball,bol=to throw 投掷 ball=to throw 投掷 词义:n.球(a round object) a golf ball...
ball=to dance 跳舞 词义:n.舞会(a large formal party with dance) have a ball (i...
back=后面(的);背 turn back/behind background=back(后面behind)+ground(底) 词义:n.背...