9篇文章 · 1306字 · 1人关注
「 有些人能感受到雨 而其他人却只是被雨淋 」 Some people can feel the rain, while others are ...
最后 ✨✨✨✨✨✨ “You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start...
·给时间时间 让过去过去 让开始开始 ·喜欢就争取 得到就珍惜 错过就忘记 ·我可以等凌晨的月亮 却懒得等傍晚的太阳 ·总是患得患失 还不如失去...
加油鸭!冲!冲!冲! 坚持住,你一定会拥有属于自己的人生🥳
记得很小的时候听到过这样的一个故事: (一定要仔细看完哦) 一位热爱打猎的国王,像往常一样带着自己的手下和宰相到森林打猎。过程中却被狮子咬掉了一...
What Is Self-discipline? 什么是自律 “Self-discipline is the ability to make y...
Let them judge you Let them misunderstand you Let them gossip about you ...
•If you don’t go after what you want in life, you’ll never have it. 如果你不...