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15篇文章 · 12458字 · 1人关注
As a Human Being I AM HERE, AN ORDINARY HUMAN BEING. I have not read a t...
翻译一稿,敬请挑刺儿。如有高见,敬请写在底部评论区。谢。 ON PAPER WE CAN DRAW a blueprint for a bril...
MOST OF US LISTEN TO BE TOLD WHAT TO DO, or to conform to a new pattern,...
WHAT WE WILL BE DISCUSSING IS THIS: how are we to recognize the various ...
THERE ARE CERTAIN THINGS which must be taken for granted. First we must ...
Dialogue A LECTURE GENERALLY MEANS telling or explaining a certain subje...
Editor's Preface IN THE SPRING OF 1993 the Krishnamurti Foundation of Am...