语言点: 1. Down on my luck 真倒霉!(What rotten luck! Just my luck!) 2. get lai...
语言点 1. get stuck in traffic (之前学的get held up) 2. Where are you headed?=W...
语言点: 1. What XX do you have in mind? 你想要个什么样的XX? (联想※ What are you looki...
语言点: 1. out of this world 此物只应天上有! △ My mom's apple pie isout of this ...
语言点 1. hold相关 get held up/ stuck 被耽搁 △ We got held up in a meeting. ...
语言点 1. 店员问你是否需要帮助,不要直接拒绝说No, I don't need your help 可以说I'm good. I'm j...
语言点: 1. off the top of my head 直接从脑袋瓜子里蹦出来 △ That rhyme just came righ...
语言点 1. What can I get for you? 客官来点啥? 2. meal (deal),combo 套餐 3. I'm goi...
语言点 1. flag down 拦下 △ Theyflaggeddowna cab and took him to the hospita...