7篇文章 · 3288字 · 2人关注
I have to pee. 我要去尿尿 I have to poop.我要去拉粑粑 I'm about to poop.我快要拉出来了(be ...
Don't be picky with your food. 不要挑食(picky:挑剔)/dont//biː//'pɪkɪ//wɪð//jɔ:...
It's time for breakfast.该吃早餐了。Come and eat your breakfast.来吃早餐吧。Sit at t...
You should brush your teeth three times a day.一天要刷三次牙(three times a day一...
Get up to wash your face.起床洗脸了哦。(也可以说成get up and wash your face.) Wash y...
Good morning, Mom and Dad! 爸爸妈妈,早上好!/ɡʊd/ /'mɔrnɪŋ/,/mɑm/ /ənd/ /dæd/ Di...
Time to wake up! 该起床了!(*it's time to 的简略表达)/taɪm//tə//weɪk//ʌp/ ! Wake u...