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Best adj.最好的 Always try to see the best in people. 多发掘他人身上的闪光点。 例句来自电影《了...
Start v. 开始 例句:The secret of getting ahead is getting started. 领先他人的秘诀就是...
Target v.瞄准 Life is like an arrow that targets our dreams. 人生就像射箭,梦想就像箭靶...
Fame n.名誉 例句:Tonight All good things come to an end. we've achieved succ...
Tornado n.龙卷风 例句:Love comes too fast like a tornado. I can not escape fr...
Pace n.步伐 例句:Time can never stop the pace of dreams. 时间无法阻挡梦想的脚步。 例句来自动画...
Fight v. 奋斗 例句:Fight for what matters to you. 为自已珍视的东西奋斗吧! 例句来自漫威超级英雄片《超...
Love v.喜爱 You've got to find what you love. 你一定要找到自已喜爱的事物。 例句来自乔布斯在斯坦福大学...
Myself pron. 我自己 例句:I just wanna be myself, and I want you to love me fo...