6篇文章 · 8442字 · 2人关注
Soul vs. spirit: What is the difference?魂与灵:有什么区别? Every individual has ...
Spirit, soul, and body: what is the difference?灵、魂、体: 有什么区别?There are a ...
以下为弥赛亚拉比 The Messianic Rabbi Yochanon 与Miriam HaNaviah 阿心(翻译)的微课记录: Miri...
Hello my friend.你好,我的朋友。 Thus picture shows the killing of the passover ...
January 1 is the Roman Calendar New Year, based on their pagan religious...
The Birth of Jesus was March 21st, 6 B.C.耶稣降生于公元前6年3月21日 God did not any...