Listen to the audio and see weather the picture or text match the audio ...
Repeat Sentences: 图片发自简书App1. One of the most popular careers for kids i...
Single choice: 1. He looked lonely and depressed, not at all like he use...
懂你英语Level 5学习笔记 Level 5 Unit 1 懂你英语Level 5 Unit 1 Part 1 Listening 懂你英语L...
Argument over Investment W: I just heard what you did. You did it withou...
Decision-Making Verbs Resume: to continue or start again after a pause [...
Scientists now believe that the Earth's magnetic field is about to rever...
There are several fundamental forces that hold our universe together. On...
Winning a Lottery A: Guess what? I've just won the lottery, 50 million d...