以下是Zeda_BAE整理的懂你学习笔记。 如您喜欢,请点个小喜欢,您的支持是我最大的动力。 祝您猪年大吉,春节快乐~!身体健康~!阖家幸福~!...

以下是Zeda_BAE整理的懂你学习笔记。 如您喜欢,请点个小喜欢,您的支持是我最大的动力。 祝您猪年大吉,春节快乐~!身体健康~!阖家幸福~!...
L3-U1-P4-1 Listening :Christina's Future Plans 1 Christina's Future Plan...
L3-U1-P3-1 Listening :Buying a New Car 1 Buying a New Car 1 Paul is a ve...
Listening Height And Weight Here are four people. Two of them are tall. ...
Listening: Lisa’s Cold Last night Lisa came home later than usual. It wa...
Listening: Yesterday’s Schedule Dan is a pilot. He flies airplanes to al...
Listening: Bus Schedule Here is a bus schedule at a bus stop. It has the...
Listening: Christina’s Daily Routine (/rʊ'tin/日常工作) Christina works in a...
Listening: Ben’s Weekly Schedule This is Ben’s weekly schedule. On weekd...
Listening: At School This is Lisa’s daily schedule. She goes to school f...