Classification(分类) 应用举例Credit Scoringinput: income, saving, profession, ...

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Classification(分类) 应用举例Credit Scoringinput: income, saving, profession, ...
Gradient Descent Tip1: Turning Your Learning Rate Learning Rate 会影响梯度下降...
Where does the error comes from Bias and Variance error 的来源有两种—bias(偏差) ...
Regression(回归) 回归可以用来做什么? 股票预测:Input 股票历史数据,Output 明日股票数据 自动驾驶:Input 周围障...
# 什么是Machine Learning Looking for function from data(从很多数据中找到解决问题的方法) Ma...
李宏毅 Machine Learning 学习笔记