ADHD Failing at Normal: An ADHD Success Story | Jessica McCabe | TEDxBra...

ADHD Failing at Normal: An ADHD Success Story | Jessica McCabe | TEDxBra...
When you're making a deal, what's going on in your brain? game theory ne...
如果我们的将我们的人脑应用于计算机会发生什么事What would happen if we upload our brains to comp...
Get ready for hybrid thinking
3 ways to spot a bad statistic Ted Talk link 3 ways to spot a bad statis...
How to make hard choices? Ted talk Link 凭感觉做决定,这只会让我们的心情更加忧虑,同时也会对另一个决定期...
The paradox of choices TedTalk Link Ted Talk considering the choice we h...
Are you a giver or a taker? TedTalk 贡献者,就是为别人收益,帮助别人的人,这类人一般来说都是为了组织或者群体...
3 ways to plan for the (very) long term Ted Talk 短期主义和长期计划:此演讲主要讲了如果利用长期...
How human noise affects ocean habitats Ted talk 这个讲的是关于环境工程问题,当概括起来,就是人和...
每天看一个英文版Ted Talk,写下笔记还有观后感。