前言 在之前的一篇推文:Genome Biology:运用机器学习鉴定肿瘤细胞[https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz...

前言 在之前的一篇推文:Genome Biology:运用机器学习鉴定肿瘤细胞[https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz...
DoRothEA: collection of human and mouse regulonsCollection Of Human And ...
SNPs marker是全基因组范围应用广泛的分子标记,本文介绍生态基因组学中利用GATK4软件进行SNPs calling的流程(人的研究中可...
Gene-expression profiles of pretreatment biopsies predict complete respo...
前言 Immugent最近在NC上看到了一篇名为:RAS oncogenic activity predicts response to che...
Clinical and biological relevance of the transcriptomic‐based prostate c...
Evaluation of stromal cell infiltration in the tumor microenvironment en...
High tumor mutational burden (TMB) identifies a microsatellite stable pa...