Piano He plays, Sitting next to me, Moving Left to right. He grinned, Sp...

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Piano He plays, Sitting next to me, Moving Left to right. He grinned, Sp...
On a forest clearing we met. There was still work to do tomorrow In this...
"So rare to find a friend like you. Somehow when you are around, The sky...
关了门,熄了灯 我们静躺一晚 你却不说一句晚安 你身体两厘米近 我迟疑不敢触碰 但我知道 你把灵魂给我保管 第二日 旭日东升 穿透香港没有窗户的...
You mock me for being inexperienced in love and sex. You said love did n...
(For a boy I once met in "Biology 104", at the University of Miami) The ...
You are not beautiful, May I say? You hunch your shoulders when you walk...
It's simply about love.