1.养老支出expenditures on caring for the elderly 词汇: 个人所得税法individual income...

1.养老支出expenditures on caring for the elderly 词汇: 个人所得税法individual income...
1.无人时代unmanned era 词汇: 北极科学考察队Arctic expedition team 无人值守观测unattended ob...
1.嫦娥四号the Chang'e 4 词汇: 月球背面 far side of the moo 软着陆soft landing 巡视勘察pat...
1.上海精神the Shanghai Spirit 词汇: 破解时代难题,化解风险挑战surmount difficulties, defus...
1.个人所得税法individual income tax law 词汇: 纳税人 taxpayer burdens 起征点提高 raise t...
1.国际商事法庭international commercial court 词汇: 最高人民法院 Supreme People's Court...
1.续种补种方案follow-up inoculation plan 词汇: 国家卫生健康委员会 the National Health Com...
1.催生二孩encourage families to have a second child 全面二孩政策 universal two-ch...
1.金砖峰会BRICS Summit 《顺应时代潮流 实现共同发展》 Keeping Abreast of the Trend of the T...
1. 纯母乳喂养 exclusive breastfeeding 词汇: 世界母乳喂养周 World Breastfeeding Week 全球...