今日词根:VOR CARN CRED VOR :comes from the Latin verb vorare "...
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今日词根:VOR CARN CRED VOR :comes from the Latin verb vorare "...
As information technology ,specially the smartphone ,rapidly develops ,p...
Some people think that all university students should study whatever the...
Embrace the less Ladies and gentlemen: I want to ask all of ...
今日词根:poly prim homo/hom dis poly: comes from polys ,the Greek word...
日词根:DUC/DUCT SEQU AMBI EPI DUC/DUCT:from the Latin verb “ducere ”-to ...
UNIT2: 今日词根:cept fin ject tract cept来自拉丁语,意思是“take,seize”与capture有着类似的意思...
最近在学习SEO(searching engine optimization)的时候受到启发,想到能用Google大数据挖掘出英语中最常见的单词...
unit 1 7.26 今日词根:GRAVLEV CRIM PROB GRAV:gravcomesfromtheLatinwordmea...