原则解读 1 拥抱现实,应对现实--“原则解读” (1) 心态+游戏化思维--原则解读(2)

原则解读 1 拥抱现实,应对现实--“原则解读” (1) 心态+游戏化思维--原则解读(2)
These decision-making systems were much better than the forecasting syst...
Computers were among the most valuable things I acquired, because of how...
What happens after we crash is most important. Successful people change ...
In other words, I just want to be right—I don’t care if the right answer...
When the plunge finally did happen, in March 1980, silver crashed back d...
While making money was good, having meaningful work and meaningful relat...
When I didn’t want to do something, I would fight it, but when I was exc...
I was beginning to see things happening over and over again, which led m...
I learned my principles over a lifetime of making a lot of mistakes and ...