十四行诗·奥斯曼帝国的女人们 文/明白人(Sman) 20250124 17:45 奥斯曼古老宫墙里的暗影深帏, 女人们的故事如诗般隐秘含悲。 ...

十四行诗·奥斯曼帝国的女人们 文/明白人(Sman) 20250124 17:45 奥斯曼古老宫墙里的暗影深帏, 女人们的故事如诗般隐秘含悲。 ...
They say about what they say What l feel Made the same people feel the s...
The Lord is my anchor, I shall not go astray He keeps me when I sail, an...
If the world is still young Then everything I see is fresh/unnamed I wil...
When l saw her sweet eyes, like l’m drowned as l died. Seems like my mus...
writer / comma Life is ugly because you are ugly. Always see beautiful t...
The author/comma The thunder will not make you sound smaller because you...
It’s three in the morning I see the lights—— Crawling in Through the win...
The furthest distance in the world is not from the flying bird to the sw...
Olentangy River, Olentangy River, How quit once you were? Now spring is ...