Apple of discord Zeus: King of the Gods (Law and Justice, Ruler over Gre...

Apple of discord Zeus: King of the Gods (Law and Justice, Ruler over Gre...
下面是一些我们耳熟能详的神话故事有关的: 1. Achilles' heel 人物 Agamemnon a king of Mycenae an...
接着再来几个跟希腊神话有关的。 另外的四个女神: 普西芬妮(Persephone,冥王之妻) 如果你有普芬西妮的倾向,那么你的人生中很可能经历过...
用英文表达: 不打扰了,你忙吧。 1.I’ll leave you to it. (I gotta go back to work.) Let ...
Episode 1 I am sure you will make us proud of you. Knock them dead. Brea...
表示同意的说法 Well said. I am in. Sounds good to me. It works for me. I am on ...
Call it a night /a day/square/quits Should we call it a night and go hom...
跟Maaaxter一起学口语是我比较喜欢的一个系列,简短实用。下面是刚学的一些内容的笔记。谢谢Maggie的精彩视频! 第一部分: artist...
笔记 "But today, it's like there's rock bottom, then 50 feet of crap, then...
如何用though这个词? How to use the word 'though'? 1. 礼貌委婉拒绝 eg 1. Stay for din...