龙舌兰日出/很喜欢歌词及曲风,分享给朋友们,祝大家周末愉快[心][心][心] “It's another tequila sunrise 又是一...
龙舌兰日出/很喜欢歌词及曲风,分享给朋友们,祝大家周末愉快[心][心][心] “It's another tequila sunrise 又是一...
My baby girl asked me“Mother,there is a queen in Britain,why does China ...
Why does he have confidence?/A true story:One of my coworkers likes a gi...
Life is an experience/why not look at a tree from your office?It is so b...
Faye Wong‘s songs/I do not always listen to Faye Wong's songs,but the so...
white gourd/My son told me that he did not like to eat white gourds. It ...
Today I watched a movie called “Free Guy”,which is really amazing!The he...
Happy Teachers‘ Day/My friends asked me we could use “Teachers’ Day ”or ...
Everyone has “Darkest hour”/Everyone has his/her darkest hour,it is real...
When I write a story,which is perhaps not attractive,l always feel confi...
English is as beautiful as Chinese.