1.帕金森定律:任何事情无论多简单,都会占据你为这个事情分配的所有时间。 费马定理:墨菲定律:4个定律 2.看天才们的直播 George Hot...
1.帕金森定律:任何事情无论多简单,都会占据你为这个事情分配的所有时间。 费马定理:墨菲定律:4个定律 2.看天才们的直播 George Hot...
Introduction-Principles and Practices(介绍-原则和实践) 这一部分是Fab Academy每年都会讲的课程...
最后的Final projects视频主页(可能需要翻墙) Video:https://vimeo.com/276011671 特别需要感谢我的...
Group assignment: 小组作业3D打印机测试件 我决定用Rhino + Grasshopper 建模原因:需要做一列呈等差数列的模...
components (链接指向Neil在MIT教的一门课The Physics of Information Technology 信息技术中...
打开Eagle 新建任务 add 找到添加Fab. lbr文件到库文件 Fab.lbr 然后选择Fab下面的元器件 fab 选择Attiny44...
最后的视频和效果 Video:https://vimeo.com/272578288 Introduction It's a AxiDraw r...
additive vs subtractive processes printing motivations 一个瑞士的Maker 做了一块3D...
Recitation03 1. Golden Rules Simplicityuser | Task | Context Visibility ...
Fablab for high school students:(in Cambridge) 初高中生一块上Fab Academy 全球各地教育...
The Fab Academy teaches principles and applications of digital fabrication. It was developed to teach hands-on skills in fab labs, which began as an outreach project from MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms, and has grow...