
收录了9篇文章 · 1人关注
The open annotation on a class is the opposite of Java's final: it allow...
Visibility Modifiershttps://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/visibility-mod...
apply By definition, apply accepts a function, and sets its scope to tha...
There's no static keyword in Kotlin. If you want static access to certai...
Camera API The Camera class, which has been deprecated. We recommend usi...
自己动手,丰衣食足。需要: Manifest declarations Before starting development on your ...
本文是从官方文档里面提取了简要内容,整理在此。详细内容请访问官方网站。 Using existing camera apps Take phot...
Overdraw是? 在GPU对一个frame做成像处理时,对同一个像素进行了一次以上的处理。(我们在准备去火星了,GPU却不知道直接忽略我们看...