Hash table - Hash function (return non-negative integers -- hash code) +...
Hash table - Hash function (return non-negative integers -- hash code) +...
Binary Search Trees Atreeis another data structure with each node pointi...
Modification of persistent data - persistent data which won't disappear ...
Implement the get_int function with scanf int x;scanf ( "%i", &x ); ...
Hexadecimal (Base 16) - 0 ~ 9 + A ~ F as equivalent to 10 ~ 15 - e.x. 1A...
Swap function - Why does the following swap function not work? It's ...
Copy strings Method 1. copy the pointer and point to the same address ...
算法时间复杂度(running time) - Describe how long an algorithm takes to run a gi...
Define a new data type - The easiest way: typedef <new name>; typedef ...
Compare strings using <string.h> #include -> strcmp( string1, string2);...