1. Install WSL References:Install WSL[https://www.jianshu.com/p/80fd5337...

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1. Install WSL References:Install WSL[https://www.jianshu.com/p/80fd5337...
Solution: Run cmd as admin Reboot PC
Say I'm in folder /c/Users/hatter/Documents/202203(WSL), I need to copy ...
Then close & restart a new terminal(maybe a logout, re-login is needed).
It's a good way to isntall the two applications: conemu[https://conemu.g...
While there is an android device connected to windows PC via usb adb, th...
Install Ubuntu from windows store To use this feature, one first needs t...
Target: Set default app for specific file type For instance, I want to s...
Pull Alpine Run Alpine commands /bin/ash is Ash (Almquist Shell[http://w...
I want to download all pdf files recursively from link "http://xx.yy.zz....