A real loser is somebody that's so afraid of not winning,they don't ev...

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A real loser is somebody that's so afraid of not winning,they don't ev...
我既不悲观也不乐观,在这个世界上活下去就是了。要对得起每一顿饭,更何况这是一个这么有意思的世界。 ——黄永玉
No matter how good you are at something, there's always about a million ...
Standing up to your own,that would take a real hero. 坚持自己的立场,才是真正的英雄。 ...
Men don't follow titles,they follow courage. 人们追随勇敢者,而不是位高者。 ...
All after we regret is not what we have done,but what else we did not do...
Honesty is your best defense and offense. 坦诚是你最佳防御也是最佳攻击。 ———...
If you’re still in,I'm still in. 只要你还坚持,那我也坚持。
只要活着,就会受伤。 ———— 诺尔曼·布朗
To exist is to survive unfair choices. 生存,就是在不公平的选择中存活。 ——《先见之明》