Rakocevic G, Semenyuk V, Lee W-P, et al (2019) Fast and accurate genomic...
Rakocevic G, Semenyuk V, Lee W-P, et al (2019) Fast and accurate genomic...
Cao L, Gurevich A, Alexander KL, et al (2019) MetaMiner: A Scalable Pept...
Hu Z, Sun C, Lu K, et al (2017) EUPAN enables pan-genome studies of a la...
高质量红花蜡梅基因组为木兰类进化及其花色形成机制研究提供了新见解 蜡梅(Chimonanthus praecox)隶属于木兰类蜡梅科蜡梅属,因其...
一、研究背景 全世界范围分布超过35万余种的种子植物,包含银杏类、苏铁类、松柏类、买麻藤类和被子植物五大类,买麻藤 Gnetum montanu...
甘菊基因组测序揭示头状花序多样性形成的机制 菊花 (Chrysanthemum ×morifolium Ramat.)是世界著名的观赏植物,具有...
Kang L, Qian L, Zheng M, et al (2021) Genomic insights into the origin, ...
Zhao Q, Feng Q, Lu H, et al (2018) Pan-genome analysis highlights the ex...
Gao L, Gonda I, Sun H, et al (2019) The tomato pan-genome uncovers new g...
Wang W, Mauleon R, Hu Z, et al (2018) Genomic variation in 3,010 diverse...