Genome-Scale Metabolic Model Analysis of Metabolic Differences between L...
Genome-Scale Metabolic Model Analysis of Metabolic Differences between L...
System analysis based on the pyroptosis-related genes identifies GSDMC a...
A Novel DNA Repair Gene Signature for Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor-Based ...
一.研究背景 众所周知,怀孕前的母亲体重指数(BMI)会影响胎儿的生长和新生儿的后代健康,但其中涉及的分子机制仍然未知。那么今天小编为大家带来这...
Revealing the Immune Heterogeneity between Systemic Lupus Erythematosus ...
Investigation of an FGFR-Signaling-Related Prognostic Model and Immune L...
Identification and validation of key molecules associated with humoral i...
Typing characteristics of metabolism-related genes in osteoporosis 骨质疏松症...
Low Expression Levels of SLC22A12 Indicates a Poor Prognosis and Progres...
一.研究背景 在肿瘤发生过程中,会发生代谢组学相关的重编程,但在现有研究中,去分化甲状腺癌(DDTC)中代谢相关基因的表达模式仍然未知,这篇文章...