240 投稿
收录了6篇文章 · 13人关注
  • 像无人观望一样纵情地起舞

    We always convince ourselves that life will be better after we get marri...

  • 指鹿为马

    In the reign of Emperor the Second of the Qin Dynasty (221-207 B.C.), th...

  • 鹏程万里

    A Roc's flight of ten thousand li-A bright future In the Chinese classic...

  • 江郎才尽

    The well of inspiration has dried up.Creative well has dried up. 译文:灵感的井...

  • 做到这9点,你会幸福很多……


  • 随手做翻译 2016-08-19

    这一篇博客里面的原文都没办法标出页码,因为是用kindle看得,就不贴具体的出处啦。还是同一本书,The Gene.原文 A mutation,...

