Prosocial Behavior: Behavior that is carried out with the goal of helpin...

Prosocial Behavior: Behavior that is carried out with the goal of helpin...
Motor Cortex: The region of cerebral cortex that controls the action of ...
Prejudice: A learned attitude toward a target object, involving negative...
Schema: General conceptual framework, or cluster of knowledge, regarding...
Standard Deviation (SD): The average difference of a set of scores from ...
Within-subjects Design: A research design that uses each participant as ...
Wellness: Optimal health, incorporating the ability to function fully an...
Visual Cortex: The region of the occipital lobes in which visual informa...
Variable-interval (VI) Schedule: A schedule of reinforcement in which a ...
Type B Behavior Pattern: As compared to Type A behavior pattern, a less ...
No Pain No Gain