Lesson 9 A cold welcome On Wednesday evening, we went to the Town Hall. ...

Lesson 9 A cold welcome On Wednesday evening, we went to the Town Hall. ...
22 76 Predicting the future is notoriously difficult. Who could have ima...
31w/m 65error In democratic countries any efforts to restrict the freedo...
25w/m 32errors People travelling long distances frequently have to decid...
30 54 Insurance companies are normally willing to insure anything. Insur...
26w/m 45 Future historians will be in a unique position when they come t...
Origin Content Lesson 52 A pretty carpet 漂亮的地毯 We have just moved into a...
Origin Content Lesson 51 Reward for virtue 对美德的奖赏 My friend, Herbert, ha...
Origin Content Lesson 50 Taken for a ride 乘车兜风 I love travelling in the ...
今天学习的是陈用仪老师的 (英语常用词疑难用法手册)中关于"动词的体貌"的内容, 以帮助我在后续写作学习中正确认的使用动词和介词.在英语学习上,...
我师傅说这个方法以前恶魔奶爸以前有推荐过, 她也说这个方法很有效果.
重写思路是换个人物换角度, 重新编排故事顺序, 增加番外情节, 句子重组, 词语替换等.
改写完后进行修改, 查查自己用得没把握的词, 整理知识点.
维护一个知识点列表, 每天只收录一两个觉得最重要的知识点及例句.
1. 根据自己的水平情况, 选择从新1新2新3新4开始. 当然其他教材也是可以的.
2. 改写文...