悲催的一天从"forgot"开始 Forget eat VC today, the doctor give serveral midicine ...
悲催的一天从"forgot"开始 Forget eat VC today, the doctor give serveral midicine ...
生活变了很多,生活的圈子也和以往大相径庭,状态自己心境都有所改变,可是我还是我啊。 卸载了游戏社交以及浪费时间的抖音与微博,我想,今天应该是新的...
一起去很多很多地方. I m here, Where are you.
我是一个懒懒散散的人,如果说有一个9天的小长假放在我面前,我个人会选择和朋友出去吃个饭,打个游戏,在宿舍公寓刷个剧,睡个懒觉。 究其原因,只因为...
Can people change ? I don`t know . People are who they are give or take ...
I don`t like the guy .Do I have reasons ?Yeah . Good reasons ? Yeah . Ho...
We talk a lot about tradition this time of year . But as much as we love...
We tell our kids it doesn`t matter if you win or lose . but let`s be hon...
有了充电两分钟通话两小时的手机,可是你有那个通话两小时的人吗 还剩3天,辣鸡!
Did i lose the race to make him feel better ? Maybe . But it just seemed...
A personal place :)