General Tips for Writing English Papers (MLA Style) ( Modern Language As...

General Tips for Writing English Papers (MLA Style) ( Modern Language As...
Writing NarrativeParagraphs I—— Things Happening Over Time Narrative par...
Writing Descriptive Paragraphs Descriptive paragraphs are often used to ...
Type of Paragraph: To reveal the character of a human being, using ...
Paragraph Development: Two Examples 1) Topic sentence + 1 illustration +...
Introducing and Concluding an Essay I. Introductions Some Suggestions fo...
引号Quotation Marks 引号通常是一对(“ ”)出现的,跟圆括号(Parentheses)和括号(Brackets)一样。 用法如下...
冒号 Colon 冒号与分号Semicolon 不同,如前一课所述,分号是用来分隔 coordinate expressions,在句子中,冒号...
问号 Question Mark ? 1. 问号用于结束直接问句(direct question),如果是间接问句(indirect quest...
破折号 Dash 破折号等于两个连字号的长度(在打字时连打两次即可),而用途也比连字号较多,但有很多人都有误用或滥用破折号,尤其是撰写学术论文或...