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Thanks to the gradual improvement of China's pet laws and regulations, t...
More and more families started to have pets in China. When we feed pets,...
Late last month, I attended a training session about "Growing your busin...
Thanks to the gradual improvement of China's pet laws and regulations, t...
You might get shocked when you see the world"homeless". Yes. Sounds incr...
译者的话: 群里和网上可以看到很多《一条大河》的英文版,总觉得有些问题,要么用词稚嫩,要么中式表达,要么罔顾语法和文法,要么对原文篡改太多。 比...
My cat Taffy Kim has stayed with us for over a week. She is recovering q...
This weekend is raining again. We barely went out for phography but stay...
I received a phone call about two hours ago. It was Hawk Zhang calling. ...
本栏目欢迎所有用英文写作的人士参与,展示其原创的纪实性和虚构性(文学)作品。The column is for English language writers to showcase their journalistic or literary works.