A Remarkable Journey of Empathy and Acceptance One of the things that ma...
每一篇文章都可以自主选择5个不同难度 用来学习积累同义表达和替换词yyds 可以搜索不同主题或者词块的文章 灵活批注,方便日后复习 主题非常丰富...
How would you feel if you were surrouned by eight sons all day long? The...
感动和眼泪不成正比但相关: It's widely acknowledged that the more jokes we hear about...
风力等级表是根据平地上离地10米处风速值大小制定的。在一般情况下以0至12级共13个级别表示,但在特殊情况下存在13级以上的风力等级。 Conf...
1 自测 1. To be a big deal 2. To be the big cheese 3. To be a big fish in ...
You can either travel or read,but either your body or soul must be on th...
Did you get enough sleep last night? Do you feel sleepy at work or in cl...