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  • MongoDB 嵌套还是引用?

    MongoDB relationships: embed or reference? 第一直觉应该是嵌套,尽量放足够多的单条嵌套数据,而不用关心...

  • Product Hunt 2020.01.02

    The Remote WeeklyInsightful content to make you better at remote work远程工...

  • Product Hunt 2020.01.01

    ColorsinspoAll in one resource for finding everything about colors配色方案 E...

  • DIKW-3W 思维模型

    文章来源: 如何【系统性学习】——从“媒介形态”聊到“DIKW 模型” DIKW I 没啥价值(或者说“价值极低”);K 有一定的价值;而 W ...

  • 在豆瓣显示微信读书可读

    在豆瓣显示微信读书可读 脚本安装地址 源码: https://gist.github.com/yongzhengw/828c9fe14258df...

  • Product Hunt 2019.12.25

    EssenPackAn ultralight travel pack超轻便的旅行背包 OnlyKeyOnlyKey is an open sou...

  • Product Hunt 2019.12.24

    TwizzleFree desktop app for Twitter DM & tweeting from the menu bar基于 Tw...

  • Product Hunt 2019.12.23

    AppratioBuild apps for iOS, Android, and the web without coding 💥通过拖拽创建产...

  • Product Hunt 2019.12.22

    Tech Trends from 2020 🚀60+ trends in AI, AR, VR, IoT, 3DP, etc.虚拟现实报告,20...