At the beginning of every day, the first person who signs in the compute...
线性筛,复杂度为O(n)。与埃氏筛相比,不会对已经被标记过的合数再进行重复标记,故效率更高。欧拉筛将合数分解为 (最小质因数 * 一个合数) 的...
在 n * n 的棋盘上放置n个皇后,使得每一行、每一列、每一条对角线有且只有一个皇后,实质上可以抽象为对 1 ~ n 这n个自然数进行全排列,...
Given any positive integer N, you are supposed to find all of its prime ...
Programming Ability Test (PAT) is organized by the College of Computer S...
求最大上升子序列(Longest Increasing Subsequence),动态规划中最基础的题目。 状态:D(k),表示末尾下标为k的L...
用途 主要用于解决判断两结点是否能连通之类的问题。思想 建立并查集数组set[],初始化全部置-1。set[b]=a代表结点b的父结点为a。判断...
题目 A Binary Search Tree (BST) is recursively defined as a binary tree wh...