少即是多 6月被“搬家”,“策划暑期教学”,“翻译”提前预订了。在补完之前几个月未结尾书籍情况下,给自己定了2本新任务。(其实1本就够了,其中有...
写作独立性 培养学生独立写作的兴趣和能力,才是教学的核心。 The teacher must carefully plan for the wr...
写作环节 Process 首先熟悉了3个关于“预写”的词。prewriting, rehearsing, developing on idea....
自己跳的“坑”,怎么也得爬上来。 我是如何get myself too busy的? 第一章 揭竿而起读书会的第二个月,我被“拐带”进了一个名为...
Sincerity, earnestness, enthusiasm First Win confidence by deserving it....
直奔主题,言简意赅,条理清晰 Everything that can be thought at all, can be thought cle...
为何而谈?Why do we talk?1.To persuade or get action.2.To inform.3.To impress...
快速与听众建立联系FirstTalk in terms of your listeners's interests Ask yourself h...
赋予演讲生命力——vitality,aliveness, enthusiasm People cluster around the energe...