以上两种场景,如果换成我们,会选择哪一种呢?绝大多数人口头上会选择第二种,遇到实际情况却是不由自主的选择第一种。 今天和大家聊一下心理学中的归因...
L20-1:Pioneerpilots In 1908 Lord Northcliffe offered a prize of $1,000 t...
L19-1:Averydearcat Kidnappers are rarely interested in animals, but they...
L17-2:The longest suspension bridge in the world Two great towers suppor...
L17-1:The longest suspension bridge in the world Verrazano, an Italian a...
L16-2:Mary had a little lamb After telling several of his friends about ...
L16-1:Mary had a little lamb Mary and her husband Dimitri lived in the t...
L15-2:Fifty pence worth of trouble On his way to the sweet shop, he drop...
L15-1:Fifty pence worth of trouble Children always appreciate small gift...