240 发简信
  • Resize,w 360,h 240

    Weddings are where two people get married. wedding 婚礼get married 结婚 mar...

    1.4 2093 0 51
  • 04 States of Matter

    Ice is the solid state of water. The freezing point of water is 0 degree...

    1.1 628 0 51
  • 03 Basic Needs

    Everyone needs food and water. Without food and water, we cannot live. P...

    1.3 568 0 50
  • Resize,w 360,h 240

    Talking about the Weekend How to describe plans for the weekend. How to ...

    1.1 582 1 51
  • Resize,w 360,h 240

    The Earth travels around the Sun. The Earth's axis is tilted. Depending ...

    1.5 565 1 51
  • 04 Sickness & Injuries

    This boy has a cut on his finger He cut his finger with a knife, so now ...

    1.2 575 0 52
  • 05 Favorite Seasons

    I really hate this cold winter weather. Really? I don't mind it. It's no...

    1.1 1107 0 52
  • 04 Health Problems

    This boy has a broken leg. He can't walk without crutches. This girl has...

    1.2 523 0 52
  • 03 Seasons

    Winter is the coldest time of the year. Winter nights are long and the d...

    1.1 639 0 51