240 发简信
  • The Mystery of the Missing Gold

    One day John’s dad was taking John to the museum, dad told John, “This i...

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    The Lost Deer 3

    The next day Cuka went back to the place where she saw the bush poison i...

  • The Lost Dear 2

    The time was late and it was time to go home. She went inside the cave, ...

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    The Lost Deer 1

    In a sunny bright beautiful morning, the sun shone on the nice reflectab...

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    Sunway Lagoon Malaysia

    Today, I went to Sunway Lagoon. It is a waterpark. First, I went to the ...

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    Exciting Day And Holidays

    There will be a party in my school next week, and the holidays are comin...

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    你能想象如果赵云有个弟弟,他会叫什么名字呢? 第一种可能:赵风,字子虎 在古书《周易》里有一句话:“云从龙,风从虎”。 赵云的‘云’是‘云从龙’...

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    The Little Rat In Our House

    There is a little rat in our house, guess who? My big brother! He ate ou...

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    Save Elephants

    The Asian elephants are endangered because they are hunted illegally. Th...