I brought glory to you here one earth by doing everything you told me to...
Remind me hoe brief my time on earth will be. Remind me my hours are num...
Life is a test and trust 人生是一场考验和信托 Unless you are faithful in small mat...
Surely God would not have created such a being as man to exist only for ...
YOU, LORD, Give perfect peace to those who keep their purpose firm and p...
Thus says the lord who made you, who formed you from the womb and will y...
这是一本尘封在书架上很久的书籍,读的原因,也许是因为在回乡之路的无聊 但是读余秋雨的文字,就像给心灵进行洗涤,从破惑,问道,安顿三部分展开,从儒...
作者-戴维 布鲁克斯 这本书在《纽约时报》专栏,TED 演讲以及受到比尔盖茨的推荐而出名。深入探讨了品格的培养对现代社会发展的重要性。 品格 v...
作者 奥南朵 (澳) 书单中的这本书,看到这本书的名字有些不屑,心中又很想靠近。 看完之后,才知内心对财富的渴望与恐惧并存 作者奥南朵是英国一位...