240 发简信
  • 2023-02-27 Journal

    How was the interview result? I am also anxious to know the result. Eith...

  • 2023-02-24 Journal

    What are the latest movie recommendations? A Guilty Conscience is highly...

  • 2023-02-23 Journal

    What did you do the last two days? I mean, you forgot to post yesterday ...

  • 2023-02-21 Journal

    How is the job market recently? It's too difficult for people over 35 ye...

  • 2023-02-20 Journal

    Please Introduce yourself. I think that I have been developing iOS for m...

  • 2023-02-19 Journal

    What are highlights of your resume? More than 7 years of experience in i...

  • 2023-02-18 Journal

    Did your boss give you a green light on the new campaign? Yes, he did. B...

  • 2023-02-17 Journal

    How much time does it cost? Maybe five months,I guess. There are moments...

  • 2023-02-16 Journal

    What kind of job are you looking for? Senior mobile software engineer. A...

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