240 发简信
  • 为什么要学英语?

    Hello, my dear students! I’m so excited to talk to you today about somet...

    0.2 23 0 1
  • 新七年级上精选短语造句

    1. **Let's do sth.** - Let's go to the park. 2. **need to do sth.** ...

  • Take Learning as a Lifelong Career

    As food is to the body, so is learning to the mind.食物之于身体,正如学习之于大脑。 Our ...

    0.2 42 0 1
  • 2024-05-11

    No one is born a winner. People make themselves into winners by their ow...

    0.5 69 0 1
  • 一起说英语

    A good day starts with getting up I wake up and then I get up. I open th...

    0.5 96 0 1
  • 小学小词块 27

    | write a poem | 写一首诗 | | sun, moon, earth | 太阳、月亮、地球 | | study English ...

  • 2024-05-03


  • 2024-05-03


    0.1 64 0 1
  • 人教版八下 unit6

    1.你能把电视机音量稍微调高点儿吗?Could you turn the TV up_________ __________________? ...