文/柳依斯 飘洋过海,我来到了另一个国度。 我以为,我来到了梦想中的世界。 这里有顶尖发达的高科技,又有历史的古朴典雅。 但,当面对生命的脆弱时...
Chapter eight One overcast morning, as I was pushing the boiled egg arou...
在这片大森林,豺狼虎豹虎视眈眈,小兔子整天提醒吊胆。 进入动物学院,小兔子发现自己再怎么练习跑步也不比会飞的鹰更先到达指定地点。在一次长跑...
Your father, like you, was a tortured soul, Amir jan. 1.And that, I beli...
Baba would have busted through the front doors and demanded to be taken ...
Nothing that you remenber has survived. Best to forget. The building was...
How seamless seemed love and then came trouble! Swerving effortlessly ar...