3-10美味关系 秘方 Excuse me. Are you the chef here? Yes. Can I help you? Hi, I...
3-9厨艺大比拼 烹饪节目 Welcome back to "You Can Cook" with Emily and George!I'm G...
3-8成长与成就 童年回忆 Mom, what was your childhood like? When I was young, my pa...
3-7我得带它去看兽医 带宠物看医生 Hi!I'm Dr. Thompson. Hi Dr. Thompson,I'm Christina.An...
MDR和IVDR分别于2021年和2022年的5月份全面实施,届时80%以上的器械都将需要公告机构NB签发CE证书,器械才能上市流通,包括: M...
3-6未来打算 毕业计划 Look at this line.I bet their bubble tea is awesome. I gues...
3-5约会经历 初次约会 Are you Dan? Yes, are you Hannah? Yes, I'm Hannah. It's nic...
3-4假如生活不一样 如果... Oh hi,Lily. What are you doing here? I wanted to say th...
3-3我最喜欢那辆寿司餐车 快餐车边闲谈 Hey Dan! How's it going? Pretty good.I'm happy to s...