1. Ho would you defined clustering? Can you name a few clustering algori...
1. What are the main motivations for reducing a dataset's dimensionality...
1. If you have trained five different models on the exact same training ...
1. What is the approximate depth of a decision tree trained (without res...
Whatis the fundamental idea behind Support Vector Machines ?The fundamen...
1 .Which linear regression training algorithm can you use if you have a ...
引入一些包,主要使用tensorflow '2.10.1' 加 transformers '4.25.1' 使用TFDS加载imdb_revie...
How would you define Machine Learning? Machine Learning is the science (...
加载组件 创建训练测试集 创建模型的函数 保存模型 (这里只保存模型的参数) 保存规则的其他设置这里可以在迭代中保存最优的一组参数,在超长时间的...