ref: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/418898/sqlite-upsert-not-insert...
Py3 Note: this method is not working with URL like http://example.com?a=...
ref: https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/16186.1150464632@sss.pgh.pa.u...
Lambda Lambda in VPC can only access S3 and DynamoDB via VPC endpoint if...
Which is a file object, check this page for detail things.
嗯,最近在做ios,想把ver和build number放代码里,在SO上找到了这个办法,贴过来备存 ObjC的见原贴
Xcode的simulator支持location simulate,老版本的有一些内置的路径,但是新版本只支持单个点或者上传gpx文件。试着用...
Do not use time.sleep, or the whole program will be hang. Uses asyncio.s...