240 发简信
  • Resize,w 360,h 240

    今天我以元好问的名句“问世间情为何物,直教生死相许”开篇,探讨一下情是什么,请大家点评! “情”有很多种词语可以理解,比如亲情,爱情...

    74.8 3357 43 186 4
  • 大海漂流记 2021-03-04

    Phrase: In spite of you and me and the whole silly world going to pieces...

  • 回家的感觉

    回家的感觉真好! 结束了长达六年之久的两地生活,年后终于实现了自己的愿望,在本地找了一份工作。 结束了三千余个日日夜夜的孤单影支,

  • 大海漂流记 2021-03-03

    Phrase: There is no time limit, Start whenever you want! It is Wednesday...

  • 大海漂流记 2021-03-02

    Phrase: When the heart rules the head, disaster follows! It is Tuesday a...

  • 大海漂流记 2021-01-19

    It is Tuesday and sunny today, i woke up about 4:50 this morning, and th...

  • 大海漂流记 2021-01-18

    It is Monday and sunny today, I woke up about 6:15 this morning. Phrase:...

  • 大海漂流记 2020-09-12

    Phrase Don't ever let somebody tell you, you can't do anything! It is Sa...

  • 大海漂流记 2020-09-11

    Phrase: Pain only exists in the mind, it's always imagined! It is Friday...

My destiny isn't written in the stars, but held in my hands.