240 发简信
  • Redis

    安装Redis MacOS上安装Redisbrew install redis To have launchd start redis now ...

  • 单元测试之JUnit

    Unit Testing with JUnit - Tutorial 2. 测试术语 Code (or application) under t...

  • 单元测试之Robolectric

    1. Robolectric Robolectric允许我们可以在JVM上对Android应用程序进行测试Robolectric框架允许我们编写...

  • 单元测试之Hamcrest

    Writing and using Hamcrest MatchersUsing Hamcrest for testing - Tutorial...

  • 单元测试之Mockito

    关键词:Mockito以下内容翻译整理自:Mockito latest documentation[译] 使用强大的 Mockito 测试框架来...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    Machine Learning @ Coursera

    Machine Learning by Andrew Ng Week 1 - Introduction Supervised Learning可...

  • Python笔记

    1. Python开发环境 Mac OS 安装Python: todo 运行Python 2.x版本:python运行Python 3.x版本:...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240

    关键词:Android Testing, JUnit, Mockito, Espresso, Robolectric Android单元测试可以...

  • ListView配置

    1.关闭ListView点击效果 Android: disabling highlight on listView click